The Lord Builds a House
So many things on my mind - reflecting and calling for addressing let me say in this New Year. Rejoice!
This word begins Psalm 127 (KJV) Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it:
Unless the Lord builds it - it's a waste of time... This is no waste of time!
This New Year I'm ready to announce - we're building something special. Something needed, necessary. The Lord doesn't work in vain or for vanity. And the word, the message I'm bringing in this hour is no vanity project to me. It's one of change and growth and a complete overhaul you might say of my being. But that is for another moment as the Living Bible also says, "for God wants his loved ones to get their proper rest."
As it's quite early in the day and the year when I pen these thoughts, let me say. Have a blessed and prosperous new year! The Lords favor shine on you and before you - to guide you into His hands - His rest.
The mission at the Lion's Well is to make sure the Lion is Well and that too is no vanity project. The Message version of these thoughts and I would almost say prophecy since that's where the Lord seems to be leading me reads.
If God doesn’t build the house, the builders only build shacks.
If God doesn’t guard the city, the night watchman might as well nap.
It’s useless to rise early and go to bed late, and work your worried fingers to the bone.
Don’t you know he enjoys giving rest to those he loves?
In this and to this I say. Thank You Lord for this wonderful house. For this wonderfully complex life. For continuing to put up with me in my insecurities and doubts and generally conceited foolishness. Thank You God in your Son Jesus Name and with His holy Spirit. I say Thank You and Be Blessed to all your people who are favored to share in this wonderful Prosperous New Year!
Paul said it best (Philippians). Again I say Rejoice!